Tablet Integration

Why we use tablets?
Tablets provide an ideal medium for allowing interactive contents to be delivered directly to the students. Much of their usage is channeled through apps bought and developed to enhance the learning experience of every child in JADIS.
The main apps are as follows:
1. Used for Online Reading Oral Assessments and Quizzes
2. Interactive online activities to further enhance lessons in Math, Science, and English
3. Apps to help KG students learn shapes, sounds, alphabets, number, and colors etc.
4. Classroom Management – Pop quizzes, class presentation and other tools for learning.
5. Dictionary App – an English reference dictionary
6. Other apps may be included as approved by the management.
What do we need from the students?
1. The students are expected to take care of the tablet by ensuring that it is protected at all times preferably with a tablet case for additional protection.
2. Tablets are expected to be fully charged when are provided for students.
3. Students are provided usernames and password for the following accounts:
• JADIS Dashboard username and password
• Pearson username and password
IMPORTANT: It is expected of them to have these usernames and password at all times.
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