Attendance and Absenteeism

All students should attend the morning assembly, teaching periods, praying, and school activities. If the student is not present for any of the above mentioned he/she would need to have a valid excuse from the parent to the school administration. If you know that your child is going to be absent please inform the school management by phoning between 7:30 – 9:30 A.M. If the parent or guardian does not phone then a written letter must accompany the child on the day of return explaining the reasons for his/her absence. The Student Counselor will carry out daily checks on your child’s attendance after 7:00 A.M. If the school does not receive such a call then the child will be recorded as being absent.
1/ Punctuality and Lateness
The school day starts at 6:45 A.M. with the morning assembly or according the regulations of the MOE. Any student who arrives later than this time will be registered late. If the parent expects his/her child to arrive late he must inform the school of the expected time of arrival before 7:00 A.M. in order to avoid recording of lateness which in turn could lead to a deduction of marks of the particular subject period.
2/ Early Departure from School
If the parent needs to take his/her child from school before the end of the school day, he/she should inform the school secretary or the Students' Counselor previously in writing with reasons of such circumstance. No child will be allowed to leave the school premises for any reason including sickness until the school management has contacted the parents. We urge all parents to make medical appointments after the periods or homework due to his/her early departure.
3/ Students Counselor
The Students' Counselor is mainly responsible for pupils’ Islamic, moral, social, cultural, and academic training and development in the school. The Students' Counselor also follows pupils’ attendance and punctuality in the school and in the lessons as well. He also analyzes exam results, and makes strategies to improve the weak students.
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