Nid: 1279
Nid: 1254
Nid: 1192
Nid: 1176
Nid: 1166
Nid: 1165
Nid: 1128
Nid: 1126
Nid: 962

JADIS Library & E-Library

  JADIS Library & E-Library:

  Library System at JAD International Schools: At JAD International Schools, we are committed to enhancing students' intellectual skills and fostering their passion for knowledge through our advanced library system. This system integrates reading and logical thinking in a stimulating educational environment, aiming to cultivate a strong reading culture, inspire creativity, and develop critical thinking skills through both the physical and digital library.
Weekly Library Session:
A 50-minute session is scheduled weekly to enhance reading and research skills.
The first 10 minutes of each session are structured as follows:
7 minutes for chess training.
3 minutes to organize chessboards and select a book for reading.
Chess & Logical Thinking:
Chess is incorporated as an essential learning tool to develop strategic and logical thinking.
Students are encouraged to practice at home with parental support to refine their skills.
Promoting a Love for Reading:
Educating students on the importance of reading and encouraging participation in the "Top Readers" competition.
Motivating students to document their reading progress in a personal reading journal, including:
Book title.
Author’s name.
Main idea.
Student’s personal opinion.
Best Reader Competition:
The Best Reader of the Month will be selected by the library supervisor.
Exciting rewards, such as tablets (iPads) and watches, will be awarded to outstanding readers.
E-Library Access:
Our digital library features a vast collection of over 2,000 books available online.
Students can explore English, Arabic, and French books and stories, making learning accessible anytime, anywhere.
At JAD International Schools, we believe that fostering a love for reading and developing critical thinking is a shared responsibility between the school and parents. We invite you to support your children on their journey to knowledge, helping us shape a generation that is aware, creative, and passionate about learning.
Together, we build a future filled with knowledge and innovation!

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